more minneapolis
matt damon!!

other stuff I'm remembering:
John was reminded as to WHY I was referred to as "the other dumpling". Minneapolis hipsters have a gas problem. If you have to fart, please take it to the bathroom. Jeremy's car grew a meat tongue in its dashboard and I think he's going to make millions from the video game Silent Hill: Volvo. As of this writing, the meat tongue is nowhere to be found. We think it's mutating and becoming one with the car. I learned how Chewbacca dies in the comics. Airiel finished their set not with Kiss Me Sadly as they always do but according to the set list the "Pine Cone Jamboree". In Minneapolis, anybody who is remotely cool and young is known as a "hippie" and reminded to the fact by drunk losers outside country bars smoking at 7pm. On a personal note, I noticed that you can indeed paint your walls a different color other than white if your wood trim is varnished.
I'm sure more will come later...especially when I get the photos developed.
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