new song: Peoria
tour journal and gig reports from airiel's silent member
It's been a week since the show at Double Door. Essenza asked us to be on the bill and we found out why. I think they owe us one. We had fun, they were great and they're such nice people that we can't wait to do another show together. Airiel played very well and we got a good crowd out to support. It was over way too soon, as always. I showed some new video and we all got rip roaring drunk downstairs with our dear friends Kill Hannah, Chris G., and others who came out. We talked trash with KH about kicking their ass in Halo, which was later settled this past Thursday. I ended up after Double Door at Neo with Chris G. and others dancing very drunkenly to Comasoft, Skinny Puppy, and whatever else. I got a burrito on the way home and another show down the tubes. The title of this entry comes from a myspace comment left for Airiel from our friend Dave about the show. Thanks dude.
This is long overdue. The show at Subterranean on the 13th of February ruled. Chris' guitar was extra loud and killer. It was a big wall-of-fuck-you-sound coming from the left side of the stage. Jeremy and Cory hit hard from the other side and John down the middle. Shock and awe. They might have had some issues with the show, but not me. I was on, it was loud and spacey and droney and I hit all my beats and tweaked out some eyeballs. I hope. Well, i tweaked out my own eyeballs at least.