Hello. It's been a very eventfall fall around here. So much so I haven't been able to update this blog. I've been working long hours and dealing with family health problems, and trying not to go insane while not sleeping enough. There's been a break in the action so here's a quick update on shows with pictures coming soon...
2 NYC shows over Labor Day September 06: so good to see and play with A Place to Bury Strangers again. So great to hang out with them and see the city. Saw our dear friend Kerry and other NYC friends and met some cool people. I had to share a bed with John and we got hit by bed bugs. My arms were itchy for 2 weeks. We at the world's best sandwiches at a deli near APTBS' place had a great view from their roof. Our good friend Rex Nexus came out and rocked with us at Sine-e, and we played Europa Night Club, a Polish nightclub with the world's sexiest bartenders and wait staff on Sunday. Awesome. We hung out in Brooklyn at some cool bars and had some NYC pizza in Manhattan. Kerry took us around Brooklyn and John and I did some sight seeing, even if it was just walking up and down the street. I love going there and I'm never in NYC long enough.
September 06: Subterranean with Snowden. They were fantastic. I was upfront with the airiel boys rocking out to their set and I think we played one of my favorite sets ever. I rocked hard on the video mixer (yes, it's possible) and did one of my best sets ever. Good times.
Darkroom with Butterfly Child and DJ's Brock and Tobias: Butterfly Child played acoustic and it was killer. I'm a big fan. Tobias made this his going away party because him and his girlfriend were moving to Portland. Everybody was so sad to see him go. Yuka, Jeremy's new wife just moved from Tokyo the night before so they were in a great mood together. Nice to see him so happy. Darkroom is seriously my second living room and it's always fun to play with airiel there.
October 21 06: Our first show at Metro. We were super excited for this one and it went extremely well. We played with Office who were pretty good and airiel sounded great and i had this amazing big screen and a borrowed projector from our dear friends in Assassins, one of Chicago's best bands. Yuka and I were the only ones on the Metro floor while the boys sound checked and it was seriously like standing in front of a shoegazing jet engine...with John's drums filling the venue and surrounding me. Intense. I had goosebumps hearing them play the last song from the live set that sounds like BRMC and The Warlocks having a fight in Ride's old tour bus....or something.
October 28th - Minneapolis, at the Kitty Kat Club. Small room. Nice place. Cool hangout and the food looked good. The small crowd sat to watch us but seemed to be really into it, especially the guys in the V for Vendetta masks, and our new friends in the band So it Goes, who were the best hosts and super nice people. We didn't get to see much of the city or my other friends and family there but it's always nice to be in Minneapolis. I've done great VJ gigs there at The Quest, a bigass nightclub and airiel has done well there. On our way back and one of the biggest reasons for taking this gig was that we took Yuka and Chris to the PINE CONE RESTAURANT. Chris was baptized in gravy in a secret airiel ceremony only witnessed by one other person, Pinecone Patty....or Mrs. Griff Baron, and Yuka ate a plate of food bigger than her. We all had these giant Flintstone sized steaks and ate like kings (and one queen). Life was good that day. I got a bumper sticker that says "DRIVER......IS NOT WEARING PANTS!" in the shop next door and Chris was eyeing this owl dressed as a wizard statue. Dude, you should have gotten it!!
So that's it. Good times. Good music. Good food. Lots and lots of booze. Oh and thanks to Jeremy for posting his
show comments on the airiel web site. This helped me write this post and remember the dates and stuff.